Send MessageStreet Address: 41/2 NS Road Rishra
City: Rishra
Province/State: West Bengal
Country: India
Business Details: NATHS AIR OPERATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is an initiative of the people behind the TRISHNA WELFARE TRUST. TWT’s reg. no. 03945/2014 & registered under Government of West Bengal. It was formed in the year of 2014 and involved in the various social activities, like helping down trodden people by offering them food, clothes, shelter, etc. It also received several honor from different organizations. Keeping in mind the social involvement and vast reach of TWT in Kolkata and the Eastern Region, it have instituted a project which will help to generate employment in the region at the same time it can fulfill the dream for helping vast number of people. To further this aim of engaging the youth coming out of our schools and colleges in further education, skilling and training in aviation subjects, the TWT Academy of Aviation and Management was formed based in Kolkata. However after starting the DRONE training we started facing some issues which cannot be resolved from TWT and at the same time the people of TWT were having the dream to serve the society in a bigger way by offering different air services like Air Ambulance, Chartered Air Service, Helicopter services connecting the remote areas through air, international passenger services, cargo services for further boosting the economy of the area & at the same time creating job opportunities for the youth. Keeping thus in mind NATHS AIR OPERATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED was formed in 2017 and recognized by Government of India as a STARTUP organization in the sector of aviation from where Air services along with Aviation training can be provided from a single platform. NAOPL’s mission is to provide consistent and tailor-made air services & training to the people around the eastern India, for a better economy and education.
Business Type: Service Sector
Keywords: aviation training/drone training ,airlines operations.
Office Location: West Bengal