Ring Crush Tester Mechanical
  • Model No: STIPL/RCTM
  • Category: Electrical Testing and Measuring Equipment
  • Keywords: Analysers & Testers, Digesters, Furnaces, Ovens & Kilns, Laboratory Equipment & Supplies, Machine Knives & Blades, Measuring Instruments & Gauges, Meters, Paper & Pulp Mill Equipment & Accessories, Test Chambers, Disc Refiner
  • Manufacturer Name:
  • Packing size:
  • Price: ₹250,000


The ring crush resistance of paper and paperboard is the maximum vertically compressive force applied on a ring of the paper sample under that a test piece will sustain without being crushed, the test piece being in the form of a cylinder, standing on one end, and the force being applied to the other end under specified conditions.