STIPL is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Lab Pulp and Paper Testing Instruments under the name of Saharanpur Testing Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Short named as (STIPL-INDIA). We are an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company. STIPL has adequate and elaborate facilities for design, manufacture, testing and calibration of all instruments for pulp and paper industry and is confidently capable for undertaking any similar kind of instrumentation job that suits the needs of any industry. The infrastructure comprises latest precise Electro-mechanical and fabrication technology for the production of Pulp, Paper Printing, Packaging, Converting, Plastics, Rubber, Textile, Adhesive, and Chemical testing Instruments. And also Automation Packages for complete Paper Mill on turnkey basis i.e. Consistency Control, Pressurized Head Box Control, Auto Guides and Others. This Accurate and cutting edge precision is obtained by the skilled staff having the workshop experience more than 15 years using the latest CAD, CAM facilities on the latest machines. The Equipment are designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest applicable National and International Standards such as ISO, TAPPI, SCAN and ASTM etc. STIPL is not only limited to Equipment manufacturing but also complete process and engineering expertise with full range of services. STIPL development engineers, production engineers marketing and field service persons share the same objective i.e. to upgrade and improve the design, production and testing technology to develop and maintain the quality of products on a periodic basis.
We believe primarily in customer’s satisfaction through rigorous quality assurance systems to ensure the right and the best quality at all Steps along with providing calibration and maintenance services to eliminate the risk of equipment failure and mal-operation to minimum.
STIPL has an ambitious growth plan to extend its areas of operations and to emerge as the valuable associates of renowned international companies to satisfy our customer demands.
STIPL has an ambitious growth plan to extend its areas of operations and to emerge as the valuable associates of renowned international companies to satisfy our customer demands.