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Contact Detail

Rangan Quality Services

Street Address: Basement 2 Plot 518 Sai Section Near Water Supply Off Ambernath E

City: Thane

Province/State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Third Party Inspection Services

Business Type: NA

Keywords: Independent Third Party Inspection and consultancy in the Industrial Sector

Office Location: Maharashtra

Quality is the characteristics of a product, material, component or an item, which demonstrates its degree of excellence. Required quality or degree of excellence in a material, product or an item is determined by virtue of its operational and or service requirements, climatic conditions etc and are presented through corresponding design/fabrication/manufacturing/testing codes / standards / specification, contract documents etc.


Knowledge, Expertise, Discretion and true Interpretation of the applicable standards / specifications are very significant aspects on the part of a Quality Engineer or Inspector, assigned to verify the specified degree of Excellence or Quality in a Product or an Item.


Rangan Quality Services is an Independent Third Party Quality Verification/Inspection, Expedition and Consultancy farm, which was formed as a micro entrepreneurship in May 2014, with the sole objective of extending services of the highest standard through its qualified, experienced and dedicated engineers / professionals to industrial houses dealing in material identification, fabrication, manufacturing and testing of products, components in the field of engineering projects and processes.