PAWAN ('The wind' in Hindi) was established in 1968 by Mr.Gopalji Thakkar, with the intention of supplying high quality meteorological balloons to the Indian market. In business for over forty years today, PAWAN is one of the oldest as well as leading manufacturers of high quality Weather Balloons (Ceiling Balloons, Pilot Balloons and Sounding Balloons). PAWAN Meteorological balloons are used by the India Meteorological Department and various Research and Defence Institutions in India.

Globally various WMO Member Nations in Europe, Africa, South America and Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Islands have come to rely on PAWAN Meteorological Balloons for their excellent quality, competitive pricing and prompt delivery.

In addition to manufacturing and exporting superior quality meteorological balloons, PAWAN recently diversified in to the business of supplying data loggers and complementary instruments and sensors, both mechanical and electronic. PAWAN also offers a range of meteorological consumables such as Sunshine Cards (Campbell Stokes type) and Recording Charts, Felt Tip Pens, Various Thermometers Rain Measuring Glass Cylinders and Parachutes.

The success and growth of any company is only as good as the people behind it. Our competent team possesses in-depth practical experience and the formal professional education in various aspects of latex manufacturing technology to meet the ever changing and challenging requirements for weather balloon performance set by the International Meteorological community. The growth of PAWAN as a leading brand for Meteorological Balloons, Consumables and Instruments over the last four decades has truly been achieved and sustained by our dedicated management and technical team with a solid background and experience in their respective fields.