Send MessageStreet Address: 302,, Prachi Apartments, Seven Bungalows, 302,, J P Road,, Andheri West, Mumbai
Province/State: Maharashtra
Country: India
Business Details: We are manufacturer of Pure, Natural Cold-Pressed Oils. Also, we sell de-oiled cakes. We have Groundnut, Sunflower, Safflower, Mustard, Sesame, Coconut, Almond and Walnut Cold-Pressed Oils.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: We have Lakdi Ghani Groundnut Oil, Sunflower, Safflower, Mustard, Sesame, Coconut, Almond and Walnut Cold-Pressed Oils.
Office Location: Maharashtra
Having been in healthcare close to two decades and worked in California, USA after completion of MBA in Healthcare Management, Dr. Sameer Iyer has always tried to understand the root cause of ailments. And over the years the major root cause for most of the ailments has been ‘Food’ of which ‘Oil’ is an integral part. The market is filled with chemically treated/produced food which impacts our health adversely over the time. We often lean towards these artificially manufactured, genetically modified and mass-produced food products due to their widespread availability globally. This has also led to our farmers letting go of traditional farming practices and adopting chemicals to improve/enhance the quantity of produce in their farms. Based out of age-old Ayurvedic scriptures and with a known fact that our ancestors always consumed natural food products and were healthier, stronger, and lived more active life, we are making our effort towards conscious living and saving our environment.
This idea of providing natural, clean, unadulterated, food/oil gave birth to Swades Oil Mills.
As part of this initiative, we intend to provide natural food to all. We believe as humans it is our birthright to have access to clean natural food/products. The saying is very much true ‘We are what we eat’. And to enhance the ‘health of the Nation’ and ‘promote health and wellness to all we need to ensure that we go back to our roots and eat what the nature has to offer without any addition or deletions, just as it is supposed to be savored without any fancy gimmicks or tongue twisting chemical additives/preservatives.
Our Oil is all natural cold pressed using traditional (wood pressed) and advanced technology (screw pressed) ensuring all the goodness of the Oil seeds are extracted into the Oil without any modifications or chemical treatments. We source/grow most of our seeds locally and try our best to ensure the farmers use organic techniques in their farms. Our products are all produced in small batches to ensure the freshest product reach your doorstep for consumption.
We thrive to provide natural, clean food products to all and with your support we will expand the line of all natural products in future.