Send MessageStreet Address: Netaji Nagar 1st Main Road
City: Chennai
Province/State: Tamil Nadu
Country: India
Business Details: We deal in Poly house projects, hydroponic projects big and small. We also distribute compost fertilizers and seeds to our customers.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: Green houses, roof top green houses, hydroponic structures
Office Location: Tamil Nadu
We are dedicated to urban farming, specializing in construction of Poly houses, Green net houses for homes and back-yard gardens.
We optimize the available space of our customers to set up hydroponic cultivation, integrating them with green net or poly house cultivation set up.
With rich experience of three decades behind us, we believe we can contribute to food self sufficiency and quality food consumption.
It is also our endeavour to keep our elderly occupied and live in green surroundings.
We do not just sell, we integrate selling with training to our customers and also make available the important components require for cultivation and maintenance in all our project sites.
Come to us- you wont be dissappointed. Happy-Healthy growing. Live with nature. Jai Hind