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Street Address: Plot no 37 ramaji sitaram sangole, dr ambedkar marg, panchsheel nagar ,nagpur 440017


Province/State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Technocadanalysis This company provides design services We use software’s like Catia, Catia Composer, Skechup, Lumion, 3Ds Max. creo analysis services FEA, CFD and THERMAL etc.

Business Type: Service Sector

Keywords: Cad design and analysis services

Office Location: Maharashtra

Company Objective


To work in design industry with our expertise and to create things to contribute social growth.

The country's brightest students contribute to the country's progress, We are confident that we           

               will do our job well and with everyone's support and guidance.

Technocadanalysis provides CAD design & Analysis services. We deals with Aerospace,

Mechanical, Architectural design’s and also we provides better services for better quality

products by using advance software’s.