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Street Address: No.5/5, 2nd Cross, MSREC Road, MSRIT P.O P.B. No.5421, Bangalore-560054


Province/State: Karnataka

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Manufacturers of Refrigerated and heating circulators ( Indian Made)

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Constant temperature baths, Refrigerated Circulators, VIscobaths, Immersion Coolers, Shaking water baths, Recirculating chillers

Office Location: Karnataka

Siskin Instruments was founded in the year 1979 by Mr. Gopalan Nagarajan with the small group of young and enthusiastic system engineers. Not long after its inception, Siskin Instruments became a popular and trusted name within the Indian scientific community.

Our vast experience makes us very proficient in heating and cooling technology. We manufacture refrigerated and heating circulators, calibration baths, refrigerated shaking water baths, heating baths, immersion coolers, circulators for ultra-low temperature control, vacuum ovens. We’re also in constant touch with dry running vaccum pumps, auto-viscometry systems, ultrasonic baths and high pressure reactors.

Work produces more work. Our experience in the field of process instruments constantly encourages us to design and manufacture precision instruments for the Indian and world market.

Siskin Instruments’ current focus is on the design and manufacturing of the Siskin Rotéva – the trusted name for a range of rotary evaporators. The Rotéva will hit the market in June, 2018. If you wish to be informed about developments pertaining to the Rotéva, please subscribe to our newsletter.