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Contact Detail


Street Address: Plot No. 224 / 744, Kalpashri, Nr. Marthoma Church, Jagda, PO - Jhirpani, Rourkela


Province/State: Orissa

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Development of Tropical and sub-tropical mushroom cultivation. Mushroom seed

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Mushroom spawn, Mushroom seed, Fresh Mushroom, Dry Mushroom, Mushroom Processing unit, Mushroom spawn production Machinery,

Office Location: Orissa

Kalpashri Agroecology Mushrooms

Harmony with nature through Agroecology

Kalpashri Agroecology is a company that focuses on the needs of the planet. We are developing innovative fungal solutions for world hunger, pest control, and disease. Our company offer high quality spawn, fruiting kits, Mushrooms related gifts and books, workshops and farm tours for our visitors and growers to expand their knowledge of fungi. Kalpashri Agroecology is actively involved with mycoremediation design and research for removing biological and chemical contaminants from water and soil.