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Envirotech Instruments Pvt Ltd

Street Address: A 271 Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1 New Delhi


Province/State: Delhi

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Air Pollution Monitoring Instruments, Noise Monitoring Instruments, Wind Monitor, Stack Monitoring Kits etc.

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Air Pollution Monitoring Instruments, Noise Monitoring Instruments, Wind Monitor, Stack Monitoring Kits etc.

Office Location: Delhi

Envirotech is a pioneering company in India in this field. It has been producing manual samplers for monitoring Air Pollution & Air Quality since last 30 years. Envirotech samplers are in use at all the existing NAMP station (National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network), with all State & Central Regulatory Boards, leading Industries, Consultants and leading Educational & Research Institutions. Almost all the data on Air Pollution in India has been largely generated through our samplers. We also set-up complete Online Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations.Envirotech was set up by a group of IIT’ans from an inspiration from Prof. G. D. Agarwal, an eminent environmental scientist and former professor of IIT K and also former Member Secretary of CPCB during 1980- 83. Its sole mission is to protect and improve the air quality in India. Besides producing indigenous technology and instruments, it has carried out many assignments of EIA and industrial monitoring and has acquired competence and experience in monitoring air environment. Envirotech has shared this experience with large number of people by organizing several (more than 60) training programmes and has trained nearly 1000 personnel across the country. Today, Envirotech is considered to be a very responsible and reliable agency.