Send MessageStreet Address: D 64/98 A-2, Madhopur Sigra
City: Varanasi
Province/State: Uttar Pradesh
Country: India
Business Details: Manufacturers of Industrial Alums
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: 1. Ferric alum 2. Non-Ferric Alum
Office Location: Uttar Pradesh
Hindalco Industries Limited, metals flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group, is the industry leader in aluminium and copper. With a consolidated turnover of US$15 billion, Hindalco is the world’s largest aluminium rolling company and one of Asia’s biggest producers of primary aluminium. Its state-of-art copper facility comprises a world-class copper smelter and a fertiliser plant along with a captive jetty. The copper smelter is among the world’s largest custom smelters at a single location.
In India, the company’s aluminium units across the country encompass the gamut of operations from bauxite mining, alumina refining, coal mining, captive power plants and aluminium smelting to downstream rolling, extrusions and foils. Today, Hindalco ranks among the global aluminium majors as an integrated producer and a footprint in 10 countries outside India.
The Birla Copper unit produces copper cathodes and continuous cast copper rods, along with other by-products, including gold, silver, and DAP fertilisers. It is India’s largest private producer of gold.
Hindalco has been accorded Star Trading House status in India. Its aluminium is accepted for delivery under the High-Grade Aluminium Contract on the London Metal Exchange (LME), while its copper quality is also registered on the LME with Grade A accreditation.