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Street Address: Plot No: 67/B, Phase-I, IDA, Cherlapally

City: Hyderabad

Province/State: Andhra Pradesh

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Design, Supply , Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Access Control System and Time Attendance System

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Design, Supply , Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Access Control System and Time Attendance System

Office Location: Andhra Pradesh

We are one of the leading ISO 9001:2008 certified leading Manufacturing Company in the field of Fire & Safety in India, specialized in Design, Supply and Erection of Fire Protection Systems. A team of well qualified Engineers and technicians manage our Organization with proven ability and experience in the line.


We have Six Divisions


We have Branch offices in various parts of Country to give better after sales Service. We are proud to present ourselves as a growing competent outfit organization in the field of fire protection.



Manufacturing Division

Reliance fabricates all types of fire vehicles such as Water Tender, Foam Tender, Multi purpose Tender, Portable Pump, Trailer Fire Pumps, High Velocity Multipurpose long range Monitor.


All fire vehicles are fabricated as per customer's requirement and conforming all set standards of the governing body.



System Contract Division

System Division under-takes Design, Supply, Erection, testing & Commissioning of Fire Alarm / Fire Hydrant, Medium & High Velocity water spray, Sprinkler & Co2 / FM 200 Flooding System, Gas Detection System, CCTV System. Access Control System & BMS System.



R&D Division

R&D Department develops first of its kind with latest technology products in the field of fire fighting, the following products are developed by the company which is of first in kind which are as follows:




  • AUTO FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS: this is a unique product developed by us to detect and operate at the source of fire at the inception stage by way of pressure technique with out power requirement (Without DC supply) from first aid to larger capacity unit.
  • Automatic skit mounted ABC powder fire fighting 150 kg capacity unit. Wherein the fire fighting chemical can be thrown the distance of 45 mtr. From the cylinder, which is of regulatable, universal application.
  • ABC/DCP 150 kg Trolley mounted /Self driven Large capacity fire extinguishing unit is another unique product developed with diffuser technology to achieve minimum 98% discharge. Used for all classes of fire.



Marketing Division

Reliance Marketing Department supports to procurement of orders for all the divisions. This department is headed by AGM (Marketing) with a vast experience of over 15 years and well qualified team of professionals to support this division to promote the Reliance products in the country. And also have dealers network in various parts in India.



Fire Man Supply

We undertake to provide technical personnel in the field of Fire Brigade to cater to manpower requirement. We have provided similar TEAM OF Fire Fighting Personnel to DRDO- Jagadalpur, Sterlite-Tuticorin, We also provide technically qualified personnel age group between 20 to 40 with qualification along with Fire vehicle to full fill your manpower requirement.



Fire Auditing / Training

We do undertake to provide Auditing / Fire training to your Engineers to use and operate Fire Fighting System. We do undertake specialized job of customers choice in t he field of fire protection.