Value addition, processing, marketing of agricultural crops is the main focus taken in mind, we formed 'Samruddhi Agro Group' for processing and collective marketing under great visionary of Mrs Sarojini Tatyasaheb Phadtare and Mr. Tatyashaheb Ramchandra Phadtare, with having great experience of food processing, value addition and marketing industry. For procurement of raw grains, 'Suryoday Krishi Prakriya Prakalpa Gat' and 'Shriram Krishi Prakriya Prakalpa Gat' are formed by Ex. Vice chancellor of Dr. BSKKV Dapoli, Dr. Shankarrao Magar with the help of other active farmers for value addition of surrounding agricultural produce. These groups are registered at Agri department, Govt. of Maharashtra. These farmers gro...