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Street Address: 233/5,Swaroop Resi, Deepa Manish Deshpande, New Shahupuri, 233/5,Swaroop Resi, Survey Colony, Kolhapur

City: Kolhapur

Province/State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: We manufacture eco friendly paper plates and bowls in different sizes.

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Eco Friendly paper plates environmentally friendly paper plates and bowls disposable

Office Location: Maharashtra

About Us

With our new start-up, "PAPER PLATTER", we are introducing unique Paper Plates that are completely  ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY, PLASTIC FREE and EASILY RECYCLABLE! Most importantly, they are WATER REPELLANT with food grade coating which is completely SAFE! These plates can be used at Offices ,Homes, Hotels, Restaurants, Parties, Picnics, Treks, Outdoor Catering and many other occassions where "Use 'n' Throw" plates are preferred. These plates can hold water for 1-1.5 hours without getting soggy, therefore they are perfect alternative for plastic!  These are MICROWAVE SAFE. Do try our eco-friendly, biodegradable, recyclable and water repellent paper plates!  For orders and enquiries contact us at: email: paperp...