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Street Address: 36, Vansh enterprises, Rewari line, 36, B, New delhi

City: WEST

Province/State: Delhi

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Vansh enterprises

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: Household and industrial Cleaners

Office Location: Delhi

About Us

Fetchgreen is a word that signifies going green. The Fetchgreen home cleaning kit is an innovative way of cleaning through soapy tablets with reusable aluminium bottles and packaging, which will ultimately contribute to the environment and make it more green. Fetchgreen tablets dissolve in tap water to make your home cleaning solution and hold the power of cleaning equal to 500ml of liquid cleaners available on the market. It is independently tested to perform alongside big brands in the market. Our products are reusable and refillable, which can help divert single-use plastic bottles from landfills and oceans.  We have planned our products to make it easy to cut down on plastic waste. Our shipping tablets are smaller and lighter ...