Send MessageStreet Address: 8-1-284/552 OU Colony
City: Hyderabad
Province/State: Telangana
Country: India
Business Details: Akriti Oculoplasty Logistics, M34,M35, M36Medical Devices ParkSultanpur Village, Pathancheru Mandal, Hyderabad-502319, Telangana StateIndia
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: Eye Care Products Ophthalmology Consumable Eye Shield Eye implant Intra Ocular lens
Office Location: Telangana
Akriti take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as an established company in the field of Ophthalmology, Surgical and non-surgical products etc, our hardcore activities are to establish the Complete Eye Clinics, Eye Hospitals, Provide Quality Instruments, Diagnostic Devices ,Vision Testing Equipments. Akriti provides all kinds of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Oculoplasty, Cornea & Anterior Segments,Opticals, Optometric Products, Low vision, Retina, Glaucoma and Ocularistry , Super Specialty Product, Stainless Steel Surgical Sets, Eye Models, Medical Software, Electronic medical record Software (EMR), Hospital Management Systems (HMS), clinic accessories. Akriti is an ISO9001: 2008 Certified Company, Completely comply the Quality Ma...