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  • Bengal Gram
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    25 Sep 2024

    Requirement Description: We are looking to procure the best quality Bengal gram for our upcoming needs. Please provide details on the available grade, pricing, and delivery timelines at your earliest convenience. Quality is of utmost importance, and we would appreciate any relevant certifications or assurances you can offer. We look forward to your prompt response.

    Quantity: 5000000

    Order Value: 20001 to 50000

    Buying Need: Immediate


  • Product Basic information

    Product Name: BENGAL GRAM
    Category Name: AGRO TECHNOLOGY
    Sub Category: Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities
    Requirement Description: We are looking to procure the best quality Bengal gram for our upcoming needs. Please provide details on the available grade, pricing, and delivery timelines at your earliest convenience. Quality is of utmost importance, and we would appreciate any relevant certifications or assurances you can offer. We look forward to your prompt response.
    E-Mail: XXXXXXX@XXXXX.com
    Quantity: 5000000
    Quantity Unit: Kilograms
    Order Currency: INR
    Order Value: 20001 to 50000
    Prefered Location: Anywhere in India
    Location Name: Andhra Pradesh
    Buying Need: Immediate
    Requirement Frequency: Regular
    Date: 2024-09-25 14:07:21.000