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Exhibition Complex & Event Management

  • Domestic Exhibitions

    NSIC organises and participates in domestic and specialized product & technology related international exhibitions to help MSMEs (erstwhile SSIs) in marketing their products and projects in both national and international arenas. Besides this, NSIC has its own state-of the-art Exhibition Ground in New Delhi (Okhla Ind. Estate). The ground has 1500 sq. mtrs of covered space and about 15000 sq. mtrs of open space in addition to ample parking for about 1000 vehicles. The facilities at the ground are available to exhibition/event organisers.

    Objective of Exhibitions:

    • Marketing of products and projects of MSMEs.
    • Closer interaction between technology seekers and offerers.
    • Development of mutual contact to discuss all issues involving technology transfer, technical collaboration etc.

    Organizing Domestic Exhibitions and Participation in Exhibitions/ Trade Fairs in India:

    In order to provide marketing opportunities to MSMEs within the country, certain theme based exhibitions / technology fairs etc. may be organized by NSIC, focused on products and services offered by MSMEs, including technologies suitable for employment generation, products from specific regions or clusters (like North Eastern Region, Food processing, Machine-tools, Electronics, Leather etc). Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises would be provided space at concessional rates to exhibit their products and services in such exhibitions/fairs. Apart from above NSIC may also facilitate participation of MSMEs in the exhibitions / trade fairs / events being organized by various State Government departments, industry associations and other institutions, all over the country to exhibit their products and services. These exhibitions may be organised in consultation with the concerned stakeholders and industry associations etc. The calendar for these events may be finalised well in advance and publicised widely amongst all participants/stakeholders. The calendar of events would also be displayed on the Web-site of NSIC. Participation in such events is expected to help the MSMEs in enhancing their marketing avenues by way of capturing new markets and expanding existing markets. This would also help them in becoming ancillaries, partners in joint ventures and sub-contracting for large companies.

    Scale of Assistance:

    Built up space would be provided by the implementing agency i.e. NSIC, to MSMEs in various domestic exhibitions at subsidised rates to enable them to exhibit their products and services. The rates of subsidy available on space charges would be as under:

    Micro Enterprises 75%
    Small Enterprises 60%
    Medium Enterprises 25%

    Enterprises belonging to NE Region/ Women / SC/ST category

    Micro Enterprises 95%
    Small Enterprises 85%
    Medium Enterprises 50%

    The budget for organising the Domestic exhibition/trade fair would depend upon the various components of the expenditure, i.e. space rental including construction and fabricating charges, theme pavilion, advertisement, printing material, transportation etc. However, the budgetary support towards net expenditure for organising such exhibition/trade fair would normally be restricted to a maximum amount of Rs. 45 lakhs. The corresponding budgetary limit for participation in an exhibition/trade fair shall be Rs. 15 lakhs. In cases exceeding the above budgetary limits, the approval of Administrative Ministry would be required.

    "Techmart" exhibition by NSIC

    NSIC has been organising "Techmart" exhibition every year during India International Trade Fair (IITF) in the month of November. This is an international exhibition showcasing the best MSME products, technologies and services of India. No subsidy would be available to General Category entrepreneurs participating in this exhibition. Upto 30% of the total area may be allocated for the entrepreneurs belonging to the Special Category i.e. Entrepreneurs belonging to NE Region/ Women / SC/ST category, keeping in mind the instructions and guidelines issued in this regard from time to time. The rates of subsidy available on space charges for the Special category would be as under:-

    Micro Enterprises 95%
    Small Enterprises 85%
    Medium Enterprises 50%

    The total budgetary support for organizing "Techmart" would normally be restricted to Rs. 75 lakhs only. The proposal exceeding this limit would require approval of the Administrative Ministry.

    Support for Co-sponsoring of Exhibitions organized by other organisations/ industry associations/agencies:

    Support may be provided to various institutions, industry associations and organisations engaged in promotion & development of MSMEs, for organizing exhibitions/ fairs within the country for the benefit of MSME sector. This support would be in the form of co-sponsoring of the event by NSIC. In order to apply for co-sponsoring of an event by NSIC, the applicant organisation/agency must fulfil the following criteria/conditions:

    1. The applicant organization / industry association / institution should be engaged in the development of MSMEs for at least three years and should be able to demonstrate sufficient experience and capability for holding such events.
    2. The event to be organized should have at least 5000 sq ft covered area exclusively for stalls/shops and must have participation from at least 50 MSME units. The organizer shall be required to submit a blueprint / layout of the proposed exhibition along with his application.
    3. The organizer would provide a stall of at least 100 sq. ft. to NSIC, to disseminate information about the promotional and other schemes of the Ministry and its organisations.
    4. The name of event would be prefixed with ‘NSIC’ and also display prominently that the event is for the ‘MSMEs’ and supported by Ministry of MSME.
    5. The names of NSIC and Ministry of MSME would be prominently displayed in all publications, literature, banners, hoardings etc. of the event.

    Scale of Assistance:

    The scale of assistance to the applicant organisation/agency for co-sponsoring of an exhibition/trade fair would depend on the place of the event. The budgetary support towards partially meeting the expenditure on hiring of exhibition ground/hall, erection of stalls, publicity etc. for co-sponsoring the event and would be limited to 40 % of the net expenditure (gross expenditure - total income), subject to maximum amount of -

    • Rs. 5 lakh in case of A class cities.
    • Rs. 3 lakh in case of B class cities.
    • Rs. 2 lakh in case of C class cities.
    • Rs. 1 lakh in case of rural areas.

    The assistance towards co-sponsoring the event shall be provided to the applicant organisation on reimbursement basis after the event, on submission of event report and other relevant documents.

    Buyer-Seller Meets:

    Buyers-Sellers Meets are organized to bring bulk buyers / Government departments and micro, small & medium enterprises together at one platform. Bulk and departmental buyers such as the Railways, Defence, Communication departments and large companies are invited to participate in buyer-seller meets to bring them closer to the MSMEs for enhancing their marketing competitiveness. These programmes are aimed at vendor developments from micro, small & medium enterprises for the bulk manufactures. Participation in these programmes enables MSMEs to know the requirements of bulk buyers on the one hand and help the bulk buyers to know the capabilities of MSMEs for their purchases. These Buyers-Seller Meets may be organised in consultation with the concerned stakeholders, including industry associations and other agencies involved in industrial development, and the calendar for these events may be finalised well in advance and publicised widely.

    Scale of Assistance:

    No subsidy would be available to General Category entrepreneurs participating in such meets. However, the entrepreneurs belonging to North-East/women/SC/ST category, would be provided space at subsidized rates for participation in Buyer-Seller Meets as per the rates mentioned hereunder:-

    Micro Enterprises 95%
    Small Enterprises 85%
    Medium Enterprises 50%

    Upto 30% of the total area in such Buyer-Seller Meets may be allocated for the entrepreneurs belonging to the Special Category i.e. Entrepreneurs belonging to NE Region/ Women / SC/ST category, keeping in mind the instructions and guidelines issued in this regard from time to time.

    The budget for organising the Buyer- Seller Meet would depend upon the various components of the expenditure, i.e. space rental, interior decoration, advertisement, printing material, transportation etc. However, the net budgetary support for the Buyer-Seller Meet would be subject to the following limits:-

    • Rs. 5 lakh in case of ‘A’ class cities.
    • Rs. 3 lakh in case of ‘B’ class cities.
    • Rs. 2 lakh in case of ‘C’ class cities.
    • Rs. 1 lakh in case of rural areas

    Intensive Campaigns and Marketing Promotion Events:

    Intensive Campaigns and Marketing Promotion Events are conducted all over the country to disseminate information about the various schemes for the benefit of the micro, small & medium enterprises. They are also facilitated to enrich their knowledge regarding latest developments, quality standards etc. and improve the marketing potential of their products and services.

    Scale of Assistance:

    Expenditure incurred for organizing Intensive Campaigns and Marketing Promotion Events would be met out of the budgetary support provided by the Government under the Scheme, subject to a maximum limit of : -

    • Rs. 80,000 in case of ‘A’ class cities.
    • Rs. 48,000 in case of ‘B’ class cities.
    • Rs. 32,000 in case of ‘C’ class cities.
    • Rs. 16,000 in case of rural areas

    No financial assistance would be given to the participating units for attending the event. The participating MSMEs have to attend these programmes at their own cost.

    Other Support Activities:

    Under the Scheme, the following activities for supporting the marketing efforts of MSMEs may be undertaken by NSIC:

    • Development of Display Centres, Show windows and hoarding etc. for promoting products and services of MSMEs.
    • Printing of Literature, Brochures and Product-specific Catalogues and CDs etc. and preparation of short films for disseminating information.
    • Development of website/portal for facilitating the marketing of MSME products and services.
    • Development and dissemination of Advertising and Publicity material about various programmes / schemes for MSME sectors and events.
    • Preparation and Upgradation of MSME Manufacturers/Suppliers /Exporters Directory.
    • Documentation of the success stories of MSMEs.
    • Conducting studies to explore and assess new markets/businesses and product ranges for both domestic & International markets.
    • Hosting international delegations and networking events.

    The maximum amount of budgetary support for such activities would be limited to 5% of the total annual budget for the scheme and for an individual proposal, the maximum permissible limit for any of the above event/activity would be Rs. 5.00 lakh only.

    Procedure for Implementation of the Scheme:

    Ministry of MSME shall implement the scheme through National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), which shall carry out the various activities under the Scheme through its offices located all over the country. Funds for implementing the scheme shall be placed in advance at the disposal of NSIC, which shall be wholly responsible for proper utilisation of the same and submission of Utilisation Certificates and other reports as required.

    NSIC will upload the forthcoming events at least 3 months in advance so that target beneficiaries can be able to decide their participation well in advance. The applications/proposals for seeking assistance under the scheme shall be submitted directly to NSIC, with full details and justification. The consolidated proposal shall be put up before the Screening Committee, set up under para 6 of the scheme, for consideration. The Screening Committee shall examine and consider the proposals, keeping in view the eligibility conditions and other criteria laid down under the scheme. While processing the proposals preference shall be given to participants/units who have not availed of the benefits under this scheme or other such schemes of the Ministry earlier. The proposals, after processing by the Screening Committee, shall be put up for approval by the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of NSIC alongwith its recommendations. The proposals requiring approval of the Administrative Ministry shall be forwarded by CMD, NSIC, with proper justification, for consideration and approval of the Ministry, in consultation with IFD. The assistance shall be released by NSIC to the concerned applicant organisation on reimbursement basis on receipt of the event report and other prescribed documents, including feedback from the participants.

    Screening Committee

    The proposals received under the Marketing Assistance Scheme shall be examined by a Screening Committee headed by Director (Planning & Marketing), NSIC which shall also include representatives from Finance and Exhibitions divisions. The Screening Committee shall meet at least once every month or as and when required.

    Administrative Expenditure

    NSIC is the nodal agency for implementing the Marketing Assistance Scheme of Ministry of MSME. The administrative expenditure to the tune of 10% of the total expenditure of the Marketing Assistance Scheme shall be reimbursed to NSIC for implementing the scheme. The administrative expenditure includes overheads as well as the cost of the manpower and efforts put in by the NSIC for implementation of the scheme.

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    The progress of the scheme shall be reviewed and monitored by NSIC as well as Ministry of MSME from time to time and periodic reports on the progress shall be submitted to the Ministry. The impact and benefits of the scheme shall also be evaluated through internal studies, sample surveys, feedback reports etc. as well as study by an independent agency.

    Infrastructure for Marketing Support (Being Developed)

    • Facilities at marketing Development cum Business Park for Small Enterprises at Okhla.
    • 400,000 sq. ft. area available in a multi storied complex on lease and license basis
    • Eco-friendly green building with modern amenities
    • Ample car parking space and multiple entry points
    • Business centre, Conference facilities for seminars and business meets
    • Earthquake resistant building with adequate fire fighting measures
    • 100% Power Back-up

    Laghu Udyog Mart

    • Utilize the exhibition facilities to exhibit your products in the Laghu Udyog Mart at NSIC Technical Services Centre, Okhla
    • 100,000 sq. ft. large column free area for exhibition purpose
    • Ample car parking space
    • Un-Interrupted power supply
    • Similar facilities at NSIC Technical Services Centre at Hyderabad, Howrah, Chennai and Rajkot.
    • NSIC’s exhibition infrastructure at various centres provides ample space for holding exhibitions and sale.
    • Space available at reasonable rates

    MSMEs need to apply at the nearest NSIC Branch Office with the following documents atleast one month before the said event.

    List of documents required for participation in Domestic Exhibition:

    1. Application form
    2. Copy of Udyog Aadhar Memorandum.
    3. Copy of PAN Card.
    4. Proof in support of the social category of promoter (Women, SC/ST, NER) etc.
    5. Copy of Company Profile. The product profile should match with the focus sector of exhibition applied for.
    6. Undertaking from unit indicating number of times participated in domestic exhibition through NSIC in current financial year.
    7. Brochure of the event mentioning exhibit profile, stall rate and minimum stall size.
    8. Proforma Invoice in the name of NSIC stamped & signed by organizer.
    9. Letter from organizer regarding minimum stall size and minimum rate.
    10. Unit should be registered on MSME Databank.
    11. DD in favour of NSIC Ltd. towards contribution as per its category.

    Note: NSIC Branch office may ask for any other document apart from those mentioned above to ascertain the unit’s credentials, which the unit will have to submit.

    For more information, Please email us:

    For queries related to Exhibitions: exhb@nsic.co.in

    For queries related to NSIC Exhibition Ground: events@nsic.co.in

    International Exhibition

    Participation under NSIC banner

    To showcase the competencies of Micro & Small Enterprise (MSEs) and to capture market opportunities, NSIC participates in selected International Exhibition every year. NSIC facilitates the participation of small enterprises by providing the special discount on Stall rental and Airfare only. Participation in these events provides exposure to MSE units in International market and enhances their business prowess.

    Benefits of participation

    NSIC is a brand name for the development and promotion of Micro & Small Enterprises worldwide. The participation of Indian Micro & Small Enterprises under the NSIC banner facilitates them to grow and expand their business. NSIC creates a platform for Micro & Small enterprises in Foreign Fairs to enable them to obtain credibility about their competency and capability to supply goods/technologies to foreign buyers matching International Standards.


    Note: Priority will be given to:


    1. Technology / Engineering based units for participation in above fairs.
    2. Units who have not availed the benefits under this scheme earlier.
    3. Units belonging to special category i.e. SC/ST/NER, subject to availability of funds

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