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Gold Membership (For Micro Enterprises)

Subscription Details:

You are subscribing for the following Plan :
Plan Name Gold - B2B Membership
Plan Amount ₹6,000
Subsidy Amount (75% Micro Subsidy) ₹4,500
Final Amount (25% of Plan Amount) ₹1,500
Service Tax(GST @ 18%) ₹270
Total Amount ₹1,770
Service Tax(GST @ 18%) ₹270
Total Amount ₹1,770

Personal Profile:

To get URN (Udyam Registration Number), Click here

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I wish to avail the SUBSIDY & BENEFITS of Micro Units Gold Membership for free and I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
*Terms and Conditions I agree to the NSIC Infomediary Membership