Send MessageStreet Address: Gat No. 663, K K Agrotech, Chimbali Alandi Road, Gat No. 663, Tal- Khed, Pune
City: PUNE
Province/State: Maharashtra
Country: India
Business Details: Manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters
Office Location: Maharashtra
Biosoul-PENIPIN (Penicillium pinophilum) is known to produce bio active secondary metabolites including oxyscarcin, skyrin, dicatenarin & and 1, 6, 8 - trinydroxy - 3- hydroxy methylanthraquinone . These metabolites alongwith 2 bacterial strains are showing antibacterial activity against Xanthomonasaxonopodispv.punicae. After spraying of Biosoul-PENIPIN Xanthomonas axonopodis cells gets killed within 3 to 4 days & bacterial blight disease don't proliferate further. Advantages Of Biosoul-PENIPIN Application of Biosoul-PENIPIN with insoluble source of potassium exhibited significant impact on plant growth, major nutrient uptake, leaf area index and photosynthetic rate of pomegranate plant due to higher potassium and phosphorus solubilizing potential of the tested fungi. Further, the fungal isolate was able to colonize easily in the pomegranate rhizosphere and mobilize insoluble source of phosphorus as indicated by phosphatase enzyme activity.Penicillium pinophilum application in soil increased resistance against bacterial blight & increased nutrient uptake (N, P & K) in many crops that resulted in improved plant growth, significantly higher leaf area index & photosynthetic rate. Disease: All crop apear bacterial blight disease Crops: Pomegranate, Apple,Tomato, Rice,Tea and Coffee plantations, Palm, Arecanut, etc