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Street Address: Gat No. 663, K K Agrotech, Chimbali Alandi Road, Gat No. 663, Tal- Khed, Pune

City: PUNE

Province/State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters

Office Location: Maharashtra

EPN Power
  • Category: Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities
  • Keywords: EPN,Sugarcane,White grubs,
  • Manufacturer Name: KK Agrotech
  • Packing size: 1 Kg
  • Price: ₹1,500


EPN Power: Potential biopesticide against insects especially white grubs among the suitable alternative control measure against insect pests, biological control using entomopathogenic nematodes is gaining greater attention world over. EPN become important in IPM programme as biopesticides and are commercially used to control insect pests worldwide. EPN occur naturally in soil environments, locate the insect pests in response to carbon dioxide and chemical cues from them. EPN infect different types of soil insects belongs lepidopteran (butterfly families), coleopteran (beetle families) and dipteran (flies family). Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) of the genera Heterorhabditis and Steinernema having symbiotically association with bacteria of the genera Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus respectively and kill the insects in 24 — 48h. Application:-2/3 kg per acre ADVANTAGES OF EPN Power (ICAR-SBI EPN FORMULATION TECHNOLOGY):- • EPN Power biopesticide formulation is nontoxic, environmental friendly and ecologically safe to human beings and beneficial organisms. • EPN Power kill only target insect. • Longer shelf life of 12 months. • EPN Power is an effective and potential biopesticide for the management of white grubs associated with several cultivated crops like sugarcane, arecanut, coconut, banana, paddy, upland rice millets, wheat, sorghum, cardamom, groundnut, potato, maize, lucerne alfalfa, ginger, cocoa, vegetables, chilli, okra, brinjal, onion, cucurbits, amaranthus, forest nurseries etc. • The bacteria produce toxins and other metabolites which kill the insect within 24 to 48 hrs after nematode invasion. • EPN Power has wide host range that they can be used successfully on numerous insect pests.