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Street Address: Gat No. 663, K K Agrotech, Chimbali Alandi Road, Gat No. 663, Tal- Khed, Pune

City: PUNE

Province/State: Maharashtra

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: manufacturer of agricultural inputs such as Organic fertilizers, Biofertilizer, Biopesticides, Biofungicides and exclusive Plant Growth Promoters

Office Location: Maharashtra

Carbon 64
  • Category: Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities
  • Keywords: Organic carbon,Growth promoter
  • Manufacturer Name: KK Agrotech
  • Packing size: 50 liter packaging is available, Minimum order quantity 500 liters
  • Price: ₹550


Carbon-64 is rich source of organic carbon required for plant growth and development. It contain humic acid, fulvic acid, amino acid etc. which required for plant growth and improve immunity. CROPS : All types of field crops (Rice, Sugarcane, Maize, Wheat, Cotton, etc.), All Fruits, Vegetables, Horticulture, Tissue culture plants, Plantation Crops. PRODUCT ADVANTAGES : • Act as suplimentory nutritions for soil microorganism which improve plant nutritional uptake. • It helps mainly white root development. • Increases tolerance to pathogenic micro organism. • It helps to improve soil texture. • Nontoxic and Ecofriendly product. DIRECTIONS OF USE Dosage 3 ltr./acre Procedure Apply through only drenching, flooding with irrigation. Not recommended for foliar spray CAUTION Do not mix or apply chemical pesticides or insecticides at the time of application.