Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India and has evolved there over thousands of years. It is a holistic healing science. Ayurvedic practice involves the use of medications that typically contain herbs, metals, minerals, or other materials. Now-a-days people are attracted more towards Ayurvedic medicines as the allopathic medicines are costlier and have side effects. There is more and more scientific research being conducted in our country for treatment of various diseases by Ayurvedic and herbal therapy. Research on medicinal and cosmetic uses of herbs is contributing to the growth of herbal industry. A large number of ailments have Ayurvedic treatment much superior to the other system of medicines and this has been recognized world over. Medicine has become an increasingly accepted alternative medical treatment in America during the last two decades. Up to 80% of people in India use either Ayurveda or other traditional medicines. It is believed that building a healthy metabolic system, attaining good digestion and proper excretion leads to vitality. India is said to have advantage of well recorded and well practiced knowledge of traditional herbal medicines. Herbal products are in huge demand in the developed world for health care, for the reason that they are efficient, safe and have lesser side effects. Efforts have been made on this book to enable readers to explore details regarding medicinal plants and their processing, learn about the unique composition of Rooh Afza, a clinical study of Chyavanaprash produced by Ayurveda rasashala, a clinical assessment of effect of triphala inlipoma, formulae and processes of different types of Ayurvedic Medicines like churan, capsules, syrup, sharbat, pastes etc that are used in various ailments. It also highlights preparation and uses of every product accompanied with their formulations which offers relief from a variety of conditions, such as cold and flu symptoms, headaches, toothaches, sore throats, high cholesterol, vision problems, anxiety, depression etc. Special content on machinery equipment photographs along with supplier details has also been included. We hope that this book will meet every individual need who has thrust to explore and enter into the field of medicinal herbs processing.