HIMALAYAN WONDER KASTURI 354 FOR SAMADHI WAY OF LIFE This Himalayan Wonder Kasturi Oil is coming from Himalayas where Rishis and Yogis extract this oil and use it for their rituals. The Himalayan Wonder Kasturi oil is very effective when used in daily pooja, rituals and prayers. The almighty wants every soul in this earth to reach his lotus feet irrespective of caste or creed or nature. The Kasturi oil also the same way applied to bagwan on daily rituals to make sure the lord accepts everything from every soul in this world in the end to give moksha. As per agamas of acharya the pure kasturi oil is a must divine sugandham to be used in offering to bagwan during daily pooja. FEATURES OF OUR NATURAL HIMALAYAN WODER KASTURI 354 1. Very soft Paste & Oil for applying in the body. Will disappear in few minutes because skin absorbs it quickly. 2. Fragrance is long lasting and is natural, divine. 3. Free from Synthetic Substances, Chemical or Preservatives. 4. Not sticky or rough, Can be used by all age groups 5. Made with Natural Himalayan Kasturi oil, extracts. NOTE : Purity : 100% . Ingredients : Pure Himalayan Kasturi Extracts Packing : Roll on Bottle 3ml x 12pcs Paste : 30gm Delivery : 2 weeks from Advance TT Payment & Order Confirmation Shelf Life : 18months from date of manufacture Country of Origin : Made in Bharat Usage : Only on Skin (below Neck) and after shower when skin is clean and fresh