The PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit (Perfect Real Time) includes PrimeScript reverse transcriptase for strong strand-displacement activity and efficient synthesis of cDNA for real-time PCR. PrimeScript RTase is a modified, recombinant MMLV (Moloney murine leukemia virus) reverse transcriptase and is verified to be RNase H-minus. PrimeScript RTase is also robust, and versatile, and can be used for reverse transcription of virtually any RNA template, including templates that have a high degree of secondary structure or are GC-rich. Because of the excellent extension capability of PrimeScript, cDNA synthesis reactions can be performed at 42°C, minimizing the risk of RNA degradation that often occurs at higher temperatures. PrimeScript RT reagent Kit is designed to perform the reverse transcription optimized for real-time RT-PCR. It uses PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase, which features excellent extensibility. The kit makes fast, efficient cDNA template synthesis for real-time PCR possible. The step of an experimental procedure in this kit is simple and suitable for high throughput analysis. This kit can be used in combination with an intercalator-based real-time PCR reagent or a probe-based real-time PCR reagent for 2-step real-time RT-PCR. The optimized protocol for the assay can be selected in each assay condition using either an intercalator or a probe.