The PrimeScript One Step RT-PCR Kit Ver.2 is designed for RT PCR in a single tube. All components necessary for RT-PCR are mixed in one tube, and therefore it is unnecessary to add reagents at the midpoint of the procedure and the risk of contamination is minimized. This kit includes PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase, an enzyme developed by Takara Bio based on M-MLV RTase to have excellent extension even for RNA templates containing higher-order structure, and the high-efficiency hot-start PCR enzyme TaKaRa Ex Taq® HS. This kit contains PrimeScript 1-step Enzyme Mix (a highly optimized premix of PrimeScript RTase, TaKaRa Ex Taq HS, and RNase Inhibitor together with a stabilizing agent) and 2X 1-step buffer (a premix containing reaction buffer, dNTP mixture, and 1 step Enhancer Solution). These premix components allow easy preparation of reaction mixtures. The combination of PrimeScript RTase with a high-efficiency hot start PCR enzyme facilitates efficient production of RT-PCR products through efficient reverse transcription at 50? by permitting reaction conditions and reduction in non-specific amplification that can arise from mispriming or from primer dimer during pre-cycling steps. This kit includes all reagents necessary for reverse transcription of RNA to cDNA and cDNA amplification using PCR.