Send MessageStreet Address: 52, SECTOR-2, PITHAMPURA INDUSTRIAL AREA
City: DHAR
Province/State: Madhya Pradesh
Country: India
Business Details: Manufacturer, Supplier and Service provider for Industrial Reliability products and Environment products
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: Industrial reliability, Laser shaft alignment, Vibration, Acoustics, accelerometer, Proximity Probes, Condition Monitoring, CAAQMS, CEMS, Gas Analysers, Proximity Probes, Oil Sensors, Tunnel Sensors, Air Monitoring, High Volume air sampler, Dust Monitoring, Noise monitoring, Particulate Monitoring
Office Location: Madhya Pradesh
Packing in Acoem’s 50 years of experience in the monitoring of rotating machinery, the patented wireless Bearing Defender gives instantaneous advice on a bearing health. Accessible to all mechanics, it provides a quick leverage of improvement of a reliability program.