Turkish Language – an introduction According to an estimate, over 85 million people speak Turkish language across the globe. It is the official language in Turkey and Northern Cyprus, and is also spoken by millions of people in Europe and Asia. While translating into Turkish language, it is vital to take care of nuisance of the language. For instance, there is hierarchy of second-person pronouns. Different pronouns are used between friends and business honorifics are also abundantly used in Turkish. Hence, we provide English to Turkish translation using our native and experienced pool of linguists and translators. Upon completion of translation, the document is assigned to another translator / proofer who carefully check the document and makes necessary changes to ensure quality. The Turkish translation services are offered at reasonable prices. We work as per the source file format of your documents, namely Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, or QuarkXPress. Turkish Translation,Turkish Translator , Turkish to English Translation,English to Turkish Translation ,