Province/State: Maharashtra
Country: India
Business Details: We M/s. Panchtatva technologists and services , introduce ourselves as one of the leading environmental solution provided. we have technology tie up with CSIR, Gov. of India established to provide innovative technology for solid and liquid waste management.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: 1.WASTE TO ENERGY 2. FOOD WASTE TO BIOGAS PLANT 3. WASTEWATER TREATMENT 3. Biogas purification 4. water treatment 5. Terafil filter
Office Location: Maharashtra
BASIC OF CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS • Constructed wet land systems are self-contained, artificially engineered, wetland ecosystems. They are design to optimise the microbiological, chemical and physical process naturally occurring in the wetland. • Constructed wetlands look very simple in working but involved multi-mechanism based treatment processes likes adsorption, filtration, sedimentation, biological uptake and degradation, plant uptake, natural aeration valorisation etc. • More robust as compared to any other conventional treatment system. • Treated water can be used for agriculture gardening or ground water recharge purpose. • Removal rate- Total solids- 65-92%, COD- 65-95%, Phosphate- 50%, Nitrogen- Ammonium- 67%, Nitrate- 81%, Pathogens- >90% • Flow can be 1000 lit/day to any scale up capacity Features of the technology • Very much suitable for Indian climatic conditions • Really Green! Like a garden • Improve air quality (Air pollution) • Cut down global warming gases (Climate change) • Habitat for Wild life (Ecology) • Enhance aesthetic values of area (Landscape) • Utilize wasteland (Soil Pollution ) • Reduce the Unnecessary Noise (Noise Pollution) Application: Applicable for Residential complex,Hotel,Banglows, Municipal Wastewater Treatment , Smart City, Town and Village planning agencies