For your question
  • 98XXXXXX96
  • Model No: SBEPL103
  • Category: Essential Oils and Aromatics
  • Keywords: Manufacturer / From the plant material, essential oils are extracted by distillation. There are three methods of distillation e.g. steam-distillation, hydro distillation & hydro steam distillation. The steam distillation is perfumed by passing dry steam to the plant material, whereby the steam volatile oil present in the plant material is volatilized and passed through the condensers along with steam to the receivers. This method gives better, cheaper and quicker yield, but not applicable to delicate flowers. Hydro distillation is the oldest method of distillation, which involves heating of plant material with water, and steam is generated, within the still. Here, the plant material remains in direct contact with the water in a crude metallic distillation outfit. The hydro steam distillation method is carried out where the perfumery material is vulnerable to direct steam. In this method the plant material is supported on a screen or perforated grid inserted at some distance above the bottom of the still. Here the lower part of the still contains water up to a level just below the grid.
  • Manufacturer Name: MANUFACTURE/TRADER
  • Packing size: 1KG
  • Price: ₹1,700


Kaffir limes is the common name of Citrus hystrix, a tropical fruit that is native to various parts of Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Aside from its many culinary uses, due to its uniquely tart and pleasant flavor, kaffir lime is also highly respected in herbal medicine, due to its high content of beneficial organic compounds that can positively affect the body’s systems. The oil, leaves, fruit, and rind of kaffir limes are all utilized for different purposes. You’ll often find kaffir limes being used in soups and sauces, such as Tom Yum soup, particularly the leaves, which are frequently utilized in Thai cooking. The leaves and rind are so powerful, however, that they can often overwhelm the flavor of the dish. Precautions:- Keep it cool &dry place.Do not use directly on the skin dilute essential oils with any carrier oils.For industrial use only.

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