For your question
  • 98XXXXXX96
  • Model No: SBEPL29
  • Category: Essential Oils and Aromatics
  • Keywords: Manufacturer / From the plant material, essential oils are extracted by distillation. There are three methods of distillation e.g. steam-distillation, hydro distillation & hydro steam distillation. The steam distillation is perfumed by passing dry steam to the plant material, whereby the steam volatile oil present in the plant material is volatilized and passed through the condensers along with steam to the receivers. This method gives better, cheaper and quicker yield, but not applicable to delicate flowers. Hydro distillation is the oldest method of distillation, which involves heating of plant material with water, and steam is generated, within the still. Here, the plant material remains in direct contact with the water in a crude metallic distillation outfit. The hydro steam distillation method is carried out where the perfumery material is vulnerable to direct steam. In this method the plant material is supported on a screen or perforated grid inserted at some distance above the bottom of the still. Here the lower part of the still contains water up to a level just below the grid.
  • Manufacturer Name: MANUFACTURE/TRADER
  • Packing size: 1kg
  • Price: ₹6,500


Description: This is distilled from the flower tops, and it is quite sticky, and viscous. It smells very strange – musky, woody, rotten even, rather like the flowers themselves. This smell does not appeal to many people, even when it is used in a remedy. The principal constituents: Flavinoids, saponosene, triterpenic alcohol and a bitter principle. USES The properties attributed to calendula oil are tonic, sudorific, emmenagogic and antispasmodic, but it is mainly used dermatologically. It is useful for very sensitive skin, and to help heal the scars of those who have had very bad acne. It is very calming, even in the smallest proportions, mixed with other oils. I also use if for burns, mixing a little into a calming lotion. Very little oil is needed in any prepara¬tion. Dried marigold infusions make good toners, and good calmers for the itchy eyes of hay fever. A tisane could help PMT. Some oil in a parsley compress is good for broken capillaries. A drop of calendula oil in a bath is good for psoriasis.

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