High Precision Decade Resistance Box
  • Model No: 55X-DRB
  • Category: Laboratory Equipment and Lab Testing Equipment
  • Keywords: Resistance Box, Decade Resistance Box, Resistance, Resistor
  • Manufacturer Name:
  • Packing size:
  • Price: NA


“RAI” MODEL:-55X-DRB High Precision Decade Resistance Box has been designed and manufactured for simulate precision resistance and use as calibration standard. This Decade Resistance Box can serve wide range of application i.e. Precision Resistance Calibration Standards in components manufacturing industries, components comparisons in quality control, instrumentation laboratories for calibration of process control instruments, Thermocouples, RTD’s, Temperature indicators in engineering laboratories for resistance simulation and instrument calibration. For high accuracy, stability and reliability requirements, the Manganin wires have been used to construct resistors. Further the gold plated switches have been employed in the best grade of Decade Resistance Box to provide very low contact resistance with drift-free values. The economical models carry silver plated phosphors bronze switches with silver plating providing drift-free values.