Expansion Module NCUI2 (60)
  • Model No: S30810-Q2305-X35
  • Category: Telecom Parts
  • Keywords: S30810-Q2305-X35
  • Manufacturer Name:
  • Packing size:
  • Price: ₹56,980


For HiPath 4000 NCUI2 (60 channels) The Control Unit IP HiPath HG 3575 (NCUI) board is the main central control for the IPDA and gateway unit in a local system as part of a distributed PBX. A local system may be an LTU shelf or 19-inch boxes. It controls all peripheral boards in the local system, comparable to the LTUCE board in a peripheral shelf, and has access to the 10/100 Base-T Fast Ethernet Network. The NCUI performs central functions like DCL-LP, SIU, CONF, MTS and CG. The board has the interface up to 16 peripheral cards in the LTU shelf and in addition an interface to support the 19-inch system. The board communicates with the common control function in the HiPath 4000 by means of the Ethernet network.The NCUI has switching capability of up to 256 time slots on 8 highways with 2.048 Mbps each within the local system. A subset of up to 30 time slots may be switched to external traffic over the IP network.