• Category: Telecom Parts
  • Keywords: TM2LP BOARD PART NO S30810-Q2159-X
  • Manufacturer Name:
  • Packing size:
  • Price: ₹20,200


The universal analog trunk module (TM2LP) board offers a twin-wire interface to analog public trunks and operates using the loop procedure. Outgoing traffic: direct Incoming traffic: by means of attendant console (MSI), direct inward dialling (DID) Bothway traffic Dial Signalling method: DP, DTMF and MFC-R2 (method configurable per circuit) The TM2LP board has access to four highways, two of which are supported by loadware. The board includes the necessary circuitry to support loop closure or monitoring for call detection (loop or reversal polarity) and call charge detection for up to 8 ports. The analog speech paths are converted to the internal HiPath digital display (and vice-versa) using an A/D Converter and analog elements implemented in accordance with country-specific transmission technology providing a large range of interface matching for each standard of countries. A µP MC68340 with 512 KB Flash EPROM and 256 KB SRAM, together with two C509-L as preprocessors are used for interpreting system commands and processing line signals changing the old 8051 platform as CPU to the 16-bit data bus and 24-bit adress bus microprocessor platform. The charge frequencies to be detected are selected using DIP switches. The following essential properties characterize the new TM2LP board: Same functionality as the discontinued board in each case Eight ports per board Protection on the board SIPAC backplane connector Two LEDs