Dynemech wedge mounts are designed for industrial machine tools that require precision leveling. This 3-piece wedge mount has an adjustable bolt which moves the center wedge between top and bottom stationery wedges to provide lift, to the top wedge. Anti-Skid plate is provided on the top wedge therefore, machines are installed as free standing. Large supporting surface ensures solidity and rigidity. Vibration reduction is possible through assembling respective Dynemech insulation plates. Application -Tool Room Machines, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Shaper, Printing and Textile Machines etc. Size: 105x55x60mm Bolt Size: N/A Load Capacity: 400Kg/pc Weight: 1.5 mm Material: Rubber & Cust Iron Colour: Green Usage: Industrial Temperature:From -16 to 90 Function: • Large supporting surface ensures solidity and rigidity. Feature: • Designed for industrial machine tools that require precision leveling. https://www.vibrationmountsindia.com/wedge_mounts_series_df/