94XXXXXX62 | : 4004082
Send MessageStreet Address: 3724, Opposite Kali Bari Mandir, Ambala Cantt
City: Saha-Ambala
Province/State: Haryana
Country: India
Business Details: Established in 1974, manufacturing scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Office Location: Haryana
Colony Counter Digital PSAW Digital design for quick and accurate counting of bacterial and mould colonies in petri dishess. Simply place the petri dish on the illuminated pad and touch the dish with the pan provided to mark each colony in turn. Each count is registered on digital and audible tone confirms each count made. The digital count on the display can be reset any time by pressing RESET key. a magnifying glass and peripheral , glare free illumination provides optimum viewing of colonies. Salient Features: * 110mm dia megnifying glass. * Digital Readout from 0-9999. * Auto marker pen. * Wolffhuegel Glass Grid with focusing facility.