94XXXXXX62 | : 4004082
Send MessageStreet Address: 3724, Opposite Kali Bari Mandir, Ambala Cantt
City: Saha-Ambala
Province/State: Haryana
Country: India
Business Details: Established in 1974, manufacturing scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Office Location: Haryana
AUTOCLAVE HORIZONTAL HIGH PRESSURE Cylinderical (triple walled) Robust and rigid construction, designed for all type of bulk sterilization which are commonly required in medical, agriculture and pharmaceuticals. This is triple walled with steam jacket and separate boiler. The sterilizer has single place door. Inside and outside are made or stainless steel. All construction are of stainless steel. Complete with dial type thermometer. Pressure control switch.