94XXXXXX62 | : 4004082
Send MessageStreet Address: 3724, Opposite Kali Bari Mandir, Ambala Cantt
City: Saha-Ambala
Province/State: Haryana
Country: India
Business Details: Established in 1974, manufacturing scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: scientific equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Testing instruments, medical equipments, Agricultural Equipments.
Office Location: Haryana
MATERIAL STORAGE CABINET (Vertical Flow) :- Dimensionally accurate range of material Storage cabinet (vertical flow) is offered in competitive rates to our esteemed clients.This cabinet is designed for creation of a bacterial dust free air space and are used for work with low-risk substances and materials, when protection of working matirial form environment is required or work with item requires a sterile working zone. These can withstand temperature and pressure fluctations.