Street Address: 25A, Haiguang Bldg,No.33, ShuiXian Road, Xiamen, China
City: Xiamen
Province/State: Fujian
Country: China
Business Details: Huiying Chemical Industry (Xiamen) Co.Ltd is a leading supplier of 4A Zeolite detergent powder raw material
Business Type: NA
Keywords: NA
Office Location: Fujian
Huiying Chemical Industry (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. has been actively involved in development and production of 4A Zeolite for more than 18 years. We continue to provide various kind of zeolite product for our customers. 1) With strong calcium ion exchange capacity and compatibility, without pollution to the environment ; 2) Ideal phosphate-free auxiliary agent for detergent that substitutes for STPP,and the price is lower than STPP 3) With high surface adsorption capacity, 4A zeolite is also an optimum adsorbent and desiccant Don’t hesitate to send email to Vicky(at)xmzeolite(dot)com to contact us or visit our website www(dot)xmzeolite(dot)com Best Regards Vicky Huang(Ms.) Sales Manager Huiying Chemical Industry (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd 25A, Haiguang Bldg,No.33, ShuiXian Road, Xiamen, China Zip:361001