Province/State: West Bengal
Country: India
Business Details: TopQ Services,Freelance Engineer & Management Consultant, Regd. Govt.Electrical Supervisor,Consultancy, Products, Sales & Services Provider and Electrical, Instrument & General Order Suppliers.(An ISO9001:2015 Certified) Consultant & Cofounder Startup Business Development Lead|Engineer& Management Consultant|Certified SixSigma BlackBelt|Regd. Govt.Electrical Supervisor|(BE&PGCBM) -Consultancy, Products, Sales & Services provider and All Electrical, Instruments & General Order Suppliers. Greetings!A very happy new year 2023 to all. We,TopQ Services,MSME & Startup India enlisted & An ISO9001:2015 Certified at One stop solution for all reliable services!Regd.License Govt. Electrical Supervisor “Value based Consultancy, Products, Sales & Services provider–A Simple & Easy Route to pain-free service! If you are looking for any services, consultancy, products, you have come to the right place! Any search for the Best products, Sales & Services provider Brand in India ends with TopQ Services. Our only aim is to give you a comfort service that will provide you the best in lot,sure that you have your Sweet memories every single day & move further without any hassle with bare minimum and fair cost, making you happy and satisfied. A Vision-To become a leading bench marking services provider solutions in globally thru continuous creating value on Engineering & Management consultant’s as role to improve our best Business & operations policy. A Mission-To achieve center of business excellence in all aspects with fully focus on customer satisfactions through best value of our Consultancy, Products Sales & Services provider solutions. A Value-Driven by Technology, Great Teamwork, Passion for Challenge & Continuous strive for Innovations are our core values remain focused to our goal. We live in a time where technological change is unprecedented in its pace, scope & depth of impact. In the modern era. Digital technologies will proliferate across industries & become mainstream where companies will need to build digital credentials in a bid to stave relevant and cater to their evolving client demands. Today as technology led innovations & growth are tightly linked, companies across sectors such as banking, financial services,engineering & management consultancy, Products, Sales, Services,E commerce etc. are all undertaking digital transformation projects & amplifying the demand for technology services. Futuristic technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IOT), Machine learning (ML), Big data analytics, Smart Grid, Automation & Customer Relationship Management(CRM) etc. all are increasingly becoming mainstream, cutting across industries & changing the talent mix can think strategically beyond periphery & harness the change to create new value for customers & business alike seek to stay ahead of the competition. Join us & lead the change and become partner with us.We care working all together Consultancy, Products, Sales & Services provider Brand self-reliant new India!Atmanirbhar Bharat. Thanks #Stay Safe & Healthy all.
Business Type: Service Sector
Keywords: Consultant & Startup Co-founder,Consultancy Services, Licensing,Inspection,Plan Approval,Regd.Electrical Supervisor,Electrical,Instrument & All Solar Items
Office Location: West Bengal
We TopQ Services at One stop solution for all reliable services! Registered License Holder & Govt.Electrical Supervisor“Value based Consultancy, Products, Sales & Services provider–A Simple & Easy Route to pain-free service!