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Sarla chemicals

Street Address: House no 87 , road no 5 , ashok nagar


Province/State: Rajasthan

Country: India

Additional Information

Business Details: Cooling tower chemicals Ro additives Boiler additives Sodium hypochlorite Alum

Business Type: Manufacturing Sector

Keywords: cooling tower chemicals , boiler chemicals ,RO chemicals , Sodiumhypo chlorite , Filter cartridge , Fuel additives , Alum , oxygen scavengers, descaling Water treatment Chemical

Office Location: Rajasthan

Cooling tower Additives
  • Lead Id: 01
  • Category: Automobiles
  • Keywords: cooling tower chemicals
  • Other Details: Price is diff. of all three products


This is cooling tower chemicals that includes three type of chemicals 1. Antiscalant 2. Biocides 3. Biocides to control unwanted scale and algae formation in Cooling tower dosing is decided after data given by you as per your data we will make proposal for you and suggest you proper treatment. Advantages : - life of cooing tower increases - Heat exchange is increases - overheat prob. reduce