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Incorporated in 1956, the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce or AHK Indien is the primary contact for Indian and German Companies who want to do business with each other. We are a membership-based organization that offers advice and services to members, collaborates on Indo-German cooperation initiatives and functions as the voice of the Indo-German business community at an institutional and governmental level.

We play a crucial role in strengthening economic and cultural cooperation between India and Germany by offering varied services across domains such as company formation, vocational training, HR recruitment, events, delegations, sustainability services and much more to our members.

Event Address:
Parade Ground, Sector 17, Chandigarh ,CHANDIGARH ,CHANDIGARH ,160017

Confederation of Indian Industry ,JASDEEP SINGH ,9815309727

Event Date:
14-Oct-2022 to 17-Oct-2022